Here you will find information on frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you do not find your answer here, feel free to contact us directly.

  • 1.About MAFWDA
    Answers to general questions about MAFWDA.
  • What is MAFWDA and why does it exist?

    The Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association (MAFWDA) is a collection of member clubs within the Middle Atlantic region that includes the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware.  MAFWDA is not a separate club, nor does it direct its member clubs how to conduct their day to day business.   MAFWDA tries to be a clearing house for information that affects the interests of four wheel drive in the middle Atlantic region.

  • Do you have more information available on the Association?

    Yes.  The Association has prepared a slide deck that highlights what MAFWDA is about, some of the history, accomplishments, and benefits to the clubs and individuals who join.   You may access this slide deck at this link:

    MAFWDA Overview Presentation


  • How do your member clubs stay informed?

    Clubs members and individual members that join the Association are added to the MAFWDA email list.  This is a member’s only email list that is used to communicate new and items of interest to the MAFWDA membership.  Members are encouraged to freely use this email list as a communication tool to remain in contact with others in the Association.  MAFWDA publishes a quarterly newsletter that shares lots of recent and important news with the members.    And finally the MAFWDA web site is updated regularly with important information of interest the membership.

  • Do you have a newsletter?

    Yes we publish the quarterly newsletter “Recovery Points”.  Editions of these newsletters may be found on this page:

    Recovery Points quarterly newsletters

  • How do I help the Association?
    • You can help the Association by joining as a club or as a member. Also get your club involved in MAFWDA activities and meetings. Become an advocate for responsible four wheeling. Contact your local land use and forest managers and get involved in promoting four wheel drive access to your public land.
    • Volunteer some of your time to attend public meetings and write letters to your elected representative and land management, coordinating your efforts with the MAFWDA Board of Directors to make sure there is a unified effort.
    • Volunteer for a Board position. New ideas and energy will help to strengthen four wheel drive in our area.
    • Volunteer to be a delegate to represent your club at Middle Atlantic meetings and to be an active link and spokes person for your club.
    • Volunteer to be a United Delegate. You would be the voice of Middle Atlantic and the link between the United Four Wheel Drive Associations and the members of MAFWDA.
    • If you know of an independent 4WD Club, introduce them to Middle Atlantic. Strength is in numbers.
    • Submit articles to the Middle Atlantic newsletter editor. If it is of a time sensitive or critical in nature, it will go out in a mass e-mail ahead of the scheduled newsletter. If you have photos, please attach to your article.
    • Attend Middle Atlantic Meetings, whether they are teleconference or in person meetings. Bring your ideas with you.
  • 2.Membership
    Membership related questions.
  • What benefit do I get?
    • Your membership in MAFWDA also gets you a membership in United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA – www.ufwda.org).
    • Membership in UFWDA – Club avoids paying $100 organization fee to UFWDA.
    • Access to the MAFWDA also enrolls you to the public email list where you can communicate with other Association members and get the latest information on news affecting the four wheel drive community.
    • Access to MAFWDA exclusive trail rides.
    • Discounts offered by MAFWDA Business Partners.
    • Quarterly MAFWDA “Recovery Points” newsletter.
    • MAFWDA merchandise from online store.
  • What does it cost for a club to join?

    Clubs joining MAFWDA also become members of United Four Wheel Drive Associations.  The total  are $20.00 per year for each member.   $15 covers the UFWDA annual dues; and $5 covers the  MAFWDA annual dues.

    Individual joining MAFWDA  also become members of United Four Wheel Drive Associations.  The total  is $25.00 per year.   $15 covers the UFWDA annual dues; and $10 covers the  MAFWDA annual dues.

    Application forms and additional information may be found at on this page:

    Club and individual application forms

  • Why should my club join?
    • MAFWDA gives you a strong, unified, regional voice.
    • MAFWDA gives you a unique opportunity to meet other four wheelers.
    • MAFWDA gives its member clubs another means to promote and grow their clubs.
    • MAFWDA gives its members opportunities to discover new unique places to wheel.
    • MAFWDA is an informational clearing house. Learn of news that will impact our sport.
    • MAFWDA provides for the continuation and growth of our sport by working strategically for new and continued opportunities to wheel.
    • MAFWDA works with United Four Wheel Drive Associations to accomplish these things on an international platform reaching far beyond this region.